Virtual Doula


Virtual Doula

This is ideal during current social distancing times when hospitals are limiting the number of support individuals allowed in the birthing room.  This is also a good fit if we are a good fit, yet we are geographically distant.  Or, perhaps you want an intimate birthing experience with the fewest number of people as possible, but want a trusted person you or your partner can call when questions arise who can devote their full attention to you.  Regardless, this is perfect for providing continuous or as needed support when you may otherwise be alone or feel unsupported during birth.  As your doula I will provide information and emotional support, while guiding you verbally and through virtual demonstration of physical positions you can move into to minimize discomfort while maximizing the baby’s position.  While I can’t be by you physically to offer a massage, a hug, or shoulder to lean on, know I am by your side in spirit, believing in you, and committed to helping you through this joyful experience.

Two virtual or phone based prenatal appointments are included as well as 24 hour on call service starting two weeks before and after your due date. We will use part of one pre-natal to test the technology systems to prepare for a seamless connection on the birthing day. One post-partum call or video conference is also included.